Thursday, January 29, 2009

January is Almost Over...

so how are you all doing on your resolutions?? For my end given there's no 60 hour job to get in the way of improving oneself, it's not bad going so far. I didn't set any concrete objectives - mainly I want to stop procrastinating on ho-hum chores and just get them taken care of before they become monsters staring me down (housekeeping, taxes, doctors appointments, etc); I want to try my hand at new things (sewing is one, I don't know if there'll be time for anything else); finally I WANT to do more for my body...slowly wean off the pregancy hogdown on sweets, start excercising again and try for the love of god to remember to put on night cream. My fervant hope is all these basic but good habits will stick around once real life starts for me again come May.

It doesn't have to be for the New Year, but this is of course an excellent time to reflect on where you are and where you want to go. You can be in a good place already, but it's for all of us to continue to stretch ourselves. The list above, for me, is less about the individual items to be checked off but more the respect I'm trying to build up for myself. Does it sound vulnerable to admit that? But it's true.

It may be splitting a fine hair to distinguish between self confidence and the specific type of self respect I'm trying to articulate. I've not read enough personal growth books to be rigorous with my definition, but for me a sense of self respect is not only having integrity in the general sense, but also feeling accountable for the promises you've made specifically to yourself. It can also mean giving yourself what you need, in the most immediate sense, whatever that may be (without harm to others, of course). Conversely, every time you don't follow through you lose a bit of respect for yourself, don't you think? I believe it's actually respect for self that gives power/voice to folks like Lilly Ledbetter to challenge an unfair situation - without calculating the chance of success or payoff. We need to generate more bravery like that in the world.

And if you think it's hard to live up to your resolutions, check out the ultimate list.

A gratuitous picture just to dress up this post: last Friday I had a perfect morning of a good night's sleep, social time with Monchi, yoga hour, and was so pleased with the John McCain interview where he's sounding all normal again - so good he's back from the dark side and talking sense and hopefully regaining some self respect of his own. He did remain loyal to Palin and said he thinks she'll be a force in the future. Hey, bring her on. As far as I'm concerned she can be the designated Republican fodder in 2012 to run against a wildly successful incumbent President!!!

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