Sunday, January 18, 2009

How to Cook a Wolf

In the spirit of the financial crisis -

800g /ca 2lbs pork shoulder, braised slowly in water and bay leaves (wacky recipe that actually works fairly well)

Pan-fried potatoes (Bratkartoffeln, Arlene's recipe)

Roasted beets tossed with celery, dried cranberries, walnuts, balsamico/olive oil and topped with goat cheese (inspired by a meal with Jean and Laurie)

Total cost circa 11 Euros and yields 6 servings. Now that I'm at the cooking helm I totally enjoy the challenge of turning out recipes that use new ingredients or utilize cooking methods I'm unfamiliar with, at minimal cost in terms of purchase price or waste.

Unlike other ingredients mentioned, however, the meat is not organic.

The boys are not as in love with beets as I am (beets and alfalfa sprouts are my absolute favorites at any salad bar). Actually I can't imagine the Pig went anywhere near them...I don't know because we eat separately these days, as I need to put the Monchichi to bed.

Of course I forgot to take pictures when I first made this meal - below is the leftover portion I ate for dinner tonight. I think I have crap indoor lighting (or camera flash) for good food photography - take my word the beets actually look as good as they taste!

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