Sunday, August 14, 2005

All Summer in a Day

It's mid August but the rainy season continues in Cologne. A small reprieve came yesterday so we hightailed it to our usual stomping grounds outside the city for a short walk - made shorter and slower because I picked the wrong shoes and had to shuffle along painfully...what a shame. Pig enjoyed the outing immensely, and the topic of the day turned to listing his current likes and dislikes, which we're happy to pass along:

Piggy Loves:

Cars, buses, motorcycles and anything that makes a revving sound. Lights. Bread. Getting tickled. Splashing in his bath. Standing up, jumping around. Dancing with his mommy. Being sung to. Playing with spoons. Banging on the table. Grabbing our glasses. Grabbing mommy's hair from the back (see disheveled hair above)

Piggy Hates:

Fisher-Price Classical Chorus Singing Stars Gym (which I made Hsin drag here from the US and still makes him cry, nearly 5 months after introduction...minor digression, I had no clue what I was doing when I picked this toy from the lineup. I did make the mistake of BELIEVING in the glowing reviews on Amazon. Can anyone tell me if they're for real or do toy makers hire hacks to write "my daughter Ashleighee played with it for hours on end, and we loved the musical medleys"?!!). Getting dressed. Sudden noises (except engines). Babyfood spinach. Getting tired. Being put down on his back. Watching others eat without being offered anything.

Of course, all this may change based on the mammoth discovery made this morning: Pig has spout his first tusk!! Despite valiant efforts we have failed miserably to secure any visual evidence to pass on - you'll have to take our word for now, but rest assured we're already nostalgic for the passing of the toothless grin!

(ok Hsin, happy?)


Anonymous said...

Yay, I love all the new Pig pictures! Especially the coy, pursed lip, I'm not going to show you my new tooth pic. Obviously Felix has learned to love camera attention! -H

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! Very cute pictures. I think Felix likes the personal touch of you singing to him. Why settle for tinny artificial music when you can have mom or dad sing.

Take Care. JJLAA


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