Saturday, August 20, 2005

Pig in Holy Land

Cologne's big party of the year is nearly over. We kept our distance, but still felt the amazing energy of the 800,000+ visitors to World Youth Day - organised by the wild and crazy Catholic Church. Two years ago when the countdown clock to this weeklong event was erected (no Greeks, these Germans!) I thought it was so cool the organisers wanted put up 70,000 people in private homes...I mean, would this idea fly in Chicago or NYC or anywhere outside Iowa? Two colleagues at work are each hosting 4 people, and in addition to opening up their homes they also lay out breakfast for them every 5am. What we hear is somehow the pilgrims are kept busy daily until midnight. What do they do all this time ???

Well, I didn't track down a schedule, but behind our building there's a church and every night this week the kids have been singing themselves silly or blasting Robbie Williams (I know, I also didn't realize he was Catholic). On the one trip I made into town this week with Pig I did see them dropping off lots of cash and boosting our local economy. All this between bible study-a-thons, I'm sure. So you ask, how does one spot a WYD pilgrim? Stigmatas aside, they carry these terrifying WYD backpacks, or wear wimples or cassocks, or are waving flags proclaiming their places of origin. I know I said earlier I liked the idea of hosting strangers (because I'm all for free lodging), but for those of you who have travelled with me you know I actually don't even like talking to strangers on vacation. It's annoying overhearing people (those younger than I am now, at least) trying to sound cool to each other, and it, like, makes me gag, you know? Or it'll go like this one time in Switzerland when we were in a gondola with 3 other Americans. Upon realizing I come from the US and seem to be familiar with Europe, one old dude asked if I were a stewardess. It was an insulting yet flattering moment...I should have tossed my hair and said yes. The jetsetting glamour that could have been mine!

So since I'm not personally on vacation, on a whim I will talk to strangers visiting Cologne. My good deeds this week were directing some WYDers to the best gelato place in town (it was unsolicited, so stop snickering. I was minding my own business and heard someone ask where they can buy good ice cream. It would have been uncharitable not to speak up) and chatting with this other WYD group from Washington State on our way to market this morning. I wasn't going to, but eveyone on the street ignored this troupe passing by, and it struck me the Germans are not big on small talk, either. So it was up to me, and I must say the girls were taken aback when I piped up. I ended by wishing them favourable weather tonight and they knew already from the last few days they needed every prayer - finale is all of them camping outside Cologne then waking up tomorrow to celebrate Mass with the Pope. If it rains... Woodstock III!

What does this all have to do with the Pig? Nothing, except I had to bait Hsin to read to the end...We actually didn't take out the camera this week, so here's a gratuitous pic from last month.


Anonymous said...

OK, so I admit the first thing I did was scroll through the post to see if there was a picture of Felix =). But then I did read it, and Yiwen does talk to people on vacation because when we were in Istanbul Yiwen struck up a conversation with a woman from Belgium(??), but was talking with her in French, which was very cool and global of her, and I do remember thinking gee, I wonder if Yiwen is a stewardess?

Anonymous said...

I want Hsin to get a blog too -- she's just as funny as Yiwen!

I think Yiwen is plenty friendly when she's on vacation too. Although I do remember a time when she first moved to Cologne and there were hot guys sharing our table and none of us had the guts to strike up a conversation with them. I guess she's come a long way since then. But I'm not sure I have!


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