Monday, August 01, 2005

Roadhog at the Finish

Nearing the end of his 25 day tour Cologne-Chicago-Frankfurt-Immenstadt-Cologne, Felix congratulates Jochen on an awesome triathlon finish...not necessarily for the swim time but for his Pappy's come-from-behind results and his thorough enjoyment of the experience, even the killer 90km bike route. I'm humbled by what Jochen and Andreas accomplished and can only imagine the amount of DIY they could bring to completion if they put their energies to proper ends (if!). Me? It was mildly inspirational, but won't get me off my ass anytime soon. Am however fascinated by such elaborate guy bonding rituals - me and the girls just pick up the phone and meet minds on Oprah or wedding planning, no sweat. Still, if anyone out there has an interesting challenge they'd like to propose - let's be realistic, say 06 - give me a shout!

We returned home last Monday evening patting ourselves on the back for the near-flawless logistics of coordinating Felix's various stops. Having said that, we're all grateful to be home, and the little guy proceeded to share his views by sleeping through the night for the first time in weeks. That we now get at least 7 hrs of snooze nonstop coupled with his newfound mobility is driving Pig's cuteness ratings to record highs...all of which may well change as soon as he gains cruising speed and wreaks havoc around the apt. This week, for the record: he is suuuch a good baby, we are so in love!

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