Monday, July 27, 2009

Show Me an Incisor

After over a year's absence our 10 day trip in Chicago felt like nothing more than a whirlwind stop. I covered good ground but still didn't manage to see everyone on my wish list. There are enough impressions and pictures for a post or two, but it will all have to wait until we settle back into some semblance of a regular routine. Jetlag aside, Monchi has been spoiled rotten by both grandmothers in the past 3 weeks to the point where she no longer fancies sleeping by herself in her lone room upstairs. So far her insistent YELPING has bested us night after night: yesterday was Jochen's turn with her and this morning I found father and daughter sound asleep, back to back, oblivious to the morning sun.

Monchichi's bark is literally worse than her bite, given she has at the ripe old age of 9 months still no sign of teeth. Is this something to worry about? She gums everything and attacks bread and pastas heartily. I'm too sleep deprived to research properly - any old wives tales I should know about out there on this subject???!


Laurie said...

don't worry Yiwen. I didn't get my first tooth until I was 9 mos. old and over the winter break I got my wisdom teeth out even though they hadn't even grown in yet!

Jean said...

actually, she was 11 months old and she got 2 and then nothing for another month. Andrew did not have teeth until at least 9 months and Alex did not have teeth until 10 months old. John says 6 to 10 months is average and later in Asian populations. So there, don't fret, and get some much needed sleep.
They will come soon enough and then you will long for when she had sweet baby breath and not the stinky morning breath that comes with teeth.


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