Sunday, July 05, 2009

My Little Cossacks

My mom's friend Tina said from the start that Pig looked Turkish. I never saw the resemblance but it turns out she wasn't completely off. This spring when we were in Turkey one of the Kazakh waitresses asked to hold Monchi, and the picture of them together was a revelation - I think my kids need to learn how to ride a horse, pronto!

Since then my Kazakh radar has been switched ON. I spot Kazakh taxi drivers all over the place, I narrow in on Kazakh women walking down the street. When I get a chance to speak to them I am always confirmed right. What do you know, I still can't tell Asians apart but now I can spot Borat's countrymen at a drop of the hat.

What does this mean, not too much, except it allows me to ramble on about this only-to-me fascinating discovery, and to ask, is it worth it to invest emotionally in the Tour de France this year?? Astana Team was a @!#$%! mess before this year's tour even began, and while it's logical that Bruyneel signed Armstrong, can this come to anything positive?!? It's like watching a car crash in the end I think I can't help but rubberneck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious! I googled images for Kazahk children, and you're right, they kind of do! But,in my opinion, Piggy and Monchi are much cuter!


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