Thursday, July 09, 2009


Jochen's mom mentioned a few times in the past months that for Jochen's dad's birthday in July it would nice if Pig could make some felt napkin rings as a birthday present for him. She really really said that. At least 3 times. The first time I was like "wha??" The second time again "wha????!" And finally even I couldn't ignore it when it came up again the last time. I mean, we're not exactly a cloth napkin kind of family, so I wasn't quite sure how I would explain the concept of a napkin ring to the little piggy. Second, I've known H&H for almost 1o years now and to be honest, they've never offered me a cloth napkin in all the times I ate at their place. And yet somehow my mother-in-law is convinced this would be the perfect first kiddie craft for Pig to tackle.

The whole thing reminds me of when I went to school in Taiwan. I got as far as 2 months into the 3rd grade before I left for the US, but that short period of time remains indelible in my mind. Class size of 50 kids (imagine!), bringing a bento box to school for lunch (and having it warmed in the giant communal bento steamer), getting smacked in the palm HARD one time as punishment for losing my homework. Even today my sister cracks up when she hears me multiplying under my breath in Chinese - that's how I learned it! In any case, every few months we'd be given a craft assignment, and points would be given not for effort, or creativity, but for EXECUTION. Meaning, it had to be neat and complicated and pretty much completed by your mom. One time we had to make a Santa Claus, and I remember being so pissed that my mom was hogging everything - blowing out the egg, gluing the cotton beard onto the hollow shell, pasting the googly eyes on to the face. I took the damn thing to school and found most everyone else's parents also put their projects together. I got great points for mine (thanks mom) but it was pretty clear this was not an exercise for MY benefit.

So what did I choose to do in this case? Yep, now that I'm the mom I pretty much took over the project, too. Actually it turned out to be a group effort: Jochen was in charge of cutting the felt into strips, I sewed the buttons on, and Pig tied two knots for each napkin ring - a skill he just mastered in recent months. Ta da!!

Is this how etsy shops get started?

Saturday we go to drop off this and other presents as well as pick up Monchichi. On Sunday Pig, Monchi and Yours Truly will be on our way to Chi-Town for 10 days. We're looking forward this time to hanging out with A-Kong, A-Ma, Boh and the other A-Kong, Hsin, Beckermans, Leanne and Niki and their families, Hope and Rebecca. If you're free and in town give us a call or drop me an email. We'd love to meet up! Blog break until we return....

In our absence Jochen gets to scratch his belly, drink beer, go on another bike trip, and get some odd jobs done around the house. And I know he'll miss us terribly......(not!)


Lini said...

I am impressed! Did you come up with that design yourself? Very stylish.

Yiwen said...

Thanks! I did indeed, although the design was driven less by style more by what-task-can-I-delegate-to-the-Pig. Hey, tried calling you two nights in a row but got no one...hope to catch up soon. Y

Unknown said...

I'm impressed as much by the napkin rings as I am by the fantastic (as usual) writing -- you are truly so entertaining. And your family is gorgeous! So sad I won't see you while you're here but I am amazed that we are only 8 weeks away from seeing you in Koln!

Rebecca said...

Love the napkin rings....this may need to become a fmily endeavor for christmas gifts


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