Wednesday, December 10, 2008

On This Point I'm Very European, Very Julia Roberts

Hope sent us a package a few days ago with all sorts of nice things for Pig and Monchichi. As I was checking out Monchi's newborn outfit, Jochen looked through the rest of the box and said Hope also sent me something. Deoderant, 4 types.

He thought that was pretty funny.
I took a quick look and my mind started racing through the possibilities:
A. Hope wanted to say something to me when we last saw each other in LA this past March
B. Hope won a year's supply when she participated in her local Race for the Cure 5K
C. This is the reflection of the ever increasing grooming standards of sexy singles in the US
In the end I thought she must have gotten these from her mom or something, and as Hope is about to head off to Auckland to complete her PhD (in statistics -eek!) she's winding things down in SF and probably just threw them in along with the rest of the stuff. Which is cool, except that I KNOW for a fact that Hope is a product junkie, so I was a bit put out that I got the armpit supply and all the good Shu Uemera or Benefits stuff went to Aimee (who to be fair actually KNOWS how to apply makeup).
A few days later I was intrigued and decided to try the Cotton Candy flavor. This is definitely one of those first world products that Barbara Kingsolver would rail against. It smelled good, but when I put it on and it didn't FEEL good.
I finally read the copy on the packaging - kiddie soap!!
Here's to Hope's great adventure ahead in the southern hemisphere. I'm glad we got to clash outfits beautifully earlier this year before you revert from city girl with fancy schmancy "deoderant" to outdoorsy girl again. Have fun and see you down there or in Europe soon!!

Aimee, Yiwen, Hope - college roommates forever!

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