Tuesday, November 18, 2008

G Rated

Somehow I don't remember being as domestic during the last maternity leave, but the streak continues and I'm totally enjoying making all sorts of new recipes, both sweet and savory. But, I recognize short of having everyone over for dinner (which will not be anytime soon) all this is just bluster on my part unless I can produce some hard evidence for display. Unfortunately, I'm also realizing quickly that I don't have what it takes to produce hardcore food porn. When something comes out glistening from the oven or piping hot from the stovetop, my focus is on piling it on my plate and wolfing it down - if nothing else because I expect only 10-15 minutes of peace, tops, before I have to go play nursemaid again. Manger interruptus to go get the camera and fuss to get a good picture is just not a discipline, yet. Therefore, for the time being I can only offer some harmless shots of my recent jam making efforts as well as my first ever homemade birthday cake for the Pig (I know, I know, but you have to remember I went back to work well before his first birthday, so up to now store bought was GOOD ENOUGH!!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I just realized that it's not that I need kid pics, I just need pictures, period. I am of the TV generation, no radio or blogs without images for me. Food pictures are good. The cake looks yummy (though I would not normally pair chocolate with gummi bears, I understand you are playing to the audience), and I see the '4', but what are the letters above? F-O-??


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