Thursday, November 20, 2008

Christmas Pictures

Yesiree, just in time for this year's Christmas card distribution we'll be running a 2 fer 1 special and offering 2 kiddies for double the cuteness (yes, that IS how it works). I think to get things going we'll have to come up with a photo by this weekend of the two so we can get the cards printed up in time. Somehow I've been avoiding this very exciting task, but at least we've had a few trial runs - hopefully the final product will feature both children awake and evoking some amount of holiday cheer.

A challenge will be to convince Pig not to do his "scary smile" - as my sister likes to put it. For the past year this has been his photo face of choice, and the only way to not get this toothy grimace is to sneak up on him. I'm actually getting used to this by now - I like to think of it as his patented Zoolander pose. When Monchi sleeps she sometimes has a ghostly smile, eyes closed. I need to get them both to do that at the same time for a Chinese cynical realism montage.

Princess, Yue Min Jun 1997


Anonymous said...

Hey, does Felix get sad/jealous when he sees Monchichi with a pacifier and his old pacifier clip?

Anonymous said...

Pig is actually quite the enabler and will rush to insert the pacifier whenever he hears a yelp from his sister. When that doesn't do the trick he then commands me to feed her. NOW.


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