Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Sheep is to Cotswolds as Pig is to....

We made it to Victoria and Iain's wedding with an hour to spare, no thanks to British Airways (aka Bloody Aweful). I will spare you the details because in the final count being with our friends was most important. The happy couple beamed their way through the ceremony, the speeches were witty and moving, I got a pic with the Town Crier, and the music commanded all ages to get-down-and-boogy. We'd left the Pig behind in Frankfurt with the intention to live it up, but forgot all about the 11:30pm last call at the bar....is this land of Kate Moss? The party sans alcool ended soon after that, but V&I I hope we continue some time soon in Cologne!!

The next day we drove off to the Cotswolds. It's a lovely piece of countryside, and the towns with their honey stone houses, small shops and High Streets were booming with fall season tourism a nice bustling way. The landscape is wide and open, and owes much of its idyllic nature to the white fluffy floating dots baaing away on the hills. I can especially recommend a stop in Broadway and Bourton on the Water. Our third and fourth days were spent in Bath, which lived up to all expectations. I didn't drag Jochen to the Jane Austen museum, but so enjoyed strolling down Milsom Street and Laura Place and fancying myself pining after an officer that anything more would have left me swooning. Because of Bloody BA we ended up with a much later flight back and Jochen had to get us back to Cologne Monday morning in time to send me to work. Yuck! You know how if you start the week behind you never seem to catch up? I'm glad that week's behind me now.

Because I travel regularly to the UK for work, it usually doesn't come to mind as a vacation destination. Therefore I was very happy to have had the excuse this time to leave London behind to enjoy old pleasures and new: staying in gorgeous country estates, hogging full fry-ups every morning (ok, everytime I come to England I give myself permission to eat badly), chips and more chips, marmite, and last but not least - Su Doku!! The bug has bit badly and we've brought the disease back to Cologne in the form of 2 fiendish volumes of puzzles. Sadly, I finally read I Capture the Castle and fear I would have enjoyed it much more at 17 than now (!) Such is age!

Pig sat the whole thing out, so sorry for the skimpy photo content this time, but below is a preview of the photos we will get from Sinead and Roland's wedding. Sinead's brother in law is a professional photographer and he has kindly taken many pics of us, including the one below:

...our hearts!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't deny, I scrolled ahead for the pic before reading your (as always) enchanting account of your travels. As much I love your travel diaries (and I genuinely do), I love seeing that beautiful kid of yours!

And this pic gave me a lump in my throat -- he's getting so big! He's got thick big boy hair! He's cuter than ever. Give him a smooch from Tanta Aimee!


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