Tuesday, September 27, 2005

First Wedding, then Race

Hurray!! Our friends Sinead and Roland got married this past Friday, after a courtship of over 12 years. Sinead and I started a conversation on the train to work two years ago and continue to astound Jochen with our endurance on the phone. Hot topic this year was of course wedding planning in all dimensions, and I'm pleased to say all our conversations led to a perfectly lovely day. The very simpatico Irish-German couple was graced with a gorgeous sunny September day and ended their blowout wedding party at around 5am the next morning. Jochen and I busied ourselves on the dance floor until past midnight, but sensibly went home to get some rest before Pig's 6am reverie. Saturday we were moving rather slowly and I managed to schedule a last minute hair appintment for a much needed cut, but forgot to go get a guidebook for the Cotswolds: Second wedding is this coming Friday in Shropshire and we're meant to make our way down to Bath...thank goodness my husband is a scout and will get us there, map or no map.

The wedding festivities continued Saturday night, but we declined to join the party because we wanted to get up extra early on Sunday to support our friend Frank at the Brückenlauf. Frank is a sports fanatic who regularly finishes among the top 10 at this race (over 6,000 entries). This year he was 7th overall and delivered a 16km time of just seconds over 1hr. The Brückenlauf is a course which takes you across 3 or 4 bridges that span the Rhein, so part of the challenge is the ascent/descent of the stairs leading to the bridges. I did it one year and hated it because I was in the middle of the pack so when you get to the stairs it was so full you can only walk up and not run...as you can see Frank doesn't really know what I'm talking about. Go Frank!!

Piggy loved this action filled weekend. Above pic was taken on our way to meet Frank at the race. Is he not growing so quickly???


Anonymous said...

He IS growing up so fast! Look at that mischievous/adorable/irresistable little boy face. Looking at him I'm wondering when we're gonna get that first word out of him and what it's going to be! Or did I somehow already miss that...!

Anonymous said...

Oh! Also a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Sinead and Roland as well! No two people deserve a happy wedding day more! Send them my Best Wishes!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that expression totally says 'I'm contemplating some evildoings, but I'll be so cute about it you'll forgive me.' Oh, and is he standing up?!! How far we've come from the I-hate-being-on-my-stomach-because-my-head-is-too-heavy days

Anonymous said...

Hallo! Das ist Laurie. Yesterday I ran a 13k training run in a little under an hour. That race seems like a lot of fun because I love running on hills. Felix is looking so big now and so cute!


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