Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Pooped, and it's not the Pig!

I was wrong when I said no late nights for a while...this past weekend Jochen's friend Andreas was in town for a short visit and we ended up going out for dinner and drinks - came home just past 1am but that was enough to leave me exhausted for the start of the week, even with a fairly relaxing Sunday (ok we were enthralled by the election results). So far the postings, if you've noticed, covers mainly our activities on the weekends, and rightly so. What happens during the week can be summed up in four words: wake/work/eat/sleep. Jochen covers a slightly broader spectrum of activities but all in all the underbelly of modern life is trying fruitlessly to construct a perpetual motion machine out of a dual career nuclear household......

The heart of this precision clockwork (?) is, of course, our darling Piggy. He keeps us going with his antics and drooley grins. No new photos this week, but we have some choice shots from the archive - first with my father and one of kids my mom used to babysit from this summer, then one of Felix from the days when he could only push backwards, then finally one before his publicist told him to embrace the papparazzi. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like how in the middle picture he doesn't look disturbed at all that he's stuck under a cabinet... he still looks rather pleased with himself. BTW, I was talking to one of the attendings today about Koeln and he brought of Kolsch beer, which made me think of you guys and steak tartare and how vacation is much more fun than here.


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