Sunday, September 11, 2005

Mountain Pig in the Making

Jochen and I had a rare late Saturday night out this weekend with friends (new babysitter working out great so far) and remembered the next morning at 6:30am why we do this so seldom these days. The option to loll in bed is now a bygone decadence, and whilst I can't wait until Felix is 14 and first stirring at noon, on the whole this is yet another lifestyle change we've come to terms with. Next late night out this month will be for our friends Sinead and Roland's wedding, where I promise to try to last until at least 1am...

In any case, the early start works well with one of our favorite pastimes - hiking. This weekend we joined our old Summit Club alpine group on one of their more modest tours. We sat out last season due to the pregnancy, but sorely missed this crazy group's outings (generally along the lines of 7+ hrs, 25+ km, 1200+ height meters). This time the tour was only 19km, but man, lugging all 12kg of Pig and backpack was no stroll in the park. Jochen and I traded off, but at some steep ascents and descents it was a real challenge to recalibrate my center of gravity. Pig was stellar: never complained during the 6hr tour, took several catnaps, and enjoyed everyone else making a fuss of him. Here we are at one of our stops, the highest railway bridge in Germany.

We also want to make good on the earlier promise: here you have a pic of the Pig with his two new teeth, having just successfully devoured some tasty ants-on-a-stick. We give free rein to his snacking habits, but we don't think tooth decay is a laughing matter. Here is Pig getting a brushdown before bed....

We also mark today's anniversary in our thoughts.


Anonymous said...

Whew, Piggy is cute but he's got some heft; I salute your ability to go on a six hour hike with him on your back. I went for my first run in ages and ages yesterday and am suffering the consequences today.

Yiwen said...

The Cologne marathon was just last weekend and it's all very well and good as a spectator to feel the itch of the running bug again...So Hsin, when you're ready, Jochen will join you anywhere, anytime!

Anonymous said...

Disneyworld marathon
in a few years.


Anonymous said...

I'm training to get back up to my all time max of 5k. So I don't think a marathon is in my future! But I sure am impressed with you guys!

As always love the pics of Felix -- have you started thinking about how you're going to handle his first girlfriend? I think he's going to be an early starter.


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