Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Hush Little Piggy...

I originally wanted to chat about how we haphazardly go about finding Pig's babysitters, but that topic will have to wait another day. I also wrote a whole post already but lost it accidentally (thus the late update) and don't have the heart to begin afore, so I'll get to the point: how is it that class in America can be a risk factor for children on par with history, political strife, absence of resources, geographic remoteness, cultural biases and other converging determinants in countries like Nigeria, Indonesia or Iraq? We *accept* that children in these parts of the world live in jeopardy because there seems to be no simple solution to their problems. But what happened in Louisiana? Don't get me wrong, race is still the biggest handicap to class, and I also understand it's hard to talk class in a nation where both the rich and poor firmly believe they belong somewhere in the middle. But Katrina blew the covers off from the parallel universes in our country, and we're reeling.

Barbara Bush, bless her I-can-say-anything-I-damn-well-like-now (I'm guessing no one's putting money on Jeb) heart sums it up so well when she said, "...and so many of the people in the arena here (in Houston), you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them." What WASP candor. Are the fundamentalists praising God for delivering this group out of their own misery?

Pictures of the children, the old and the sick left to fend for themselves in the aftermath were devastating. It sickens me America does not respect the dignity of the poor and the vulnerable. How do you survive an experience where you realized you were simply not worth the effort to rescue?

Everyday I tell the Piggy I love him, and I hope he remains safe, happy and healthy. This is a modest wish that should be granted to every parent.


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Anonymous said...

I agree with your comments with respect to Katrina's aftermath wholeheartedly - anyone who thinks that these people deserve their fate because they were given advance warning should have a reality check: it takes money to relocate and it's not surprising to anyeone that most of the poor people were of color. I don't know if you feel this way also - but it seems to me that after all these years of civil rights movement, America is actually progressing BACKWARDS with respect to this subject. Oh yeah, we can spend how many billion dollars in Iraq but we couldn't cut out $100 million dollars from the federal budget so that the levee can withstand a category 3 storm. This logic of thinking by our goverment really really blows me away....


Anonymous said...

Btw, I forgot to mention the second Piggie picture is SOOOOOOOO cute.

I wish I was there to pinch his puffy cheek!


Anonymous said...

Piggie is cute! I saw the video Mike took.

I'm sadden by the Katrina response from the officials too... CNN reported that people there were waiting to be rescued since Monday when the hurricane hit but recuse force wasn't there until Friday night... That's 4 to 5 days without food and water and living in darkness and chaos with flood water rising... Very sad. Worse than the Titanic sinking.

I wonder if and when the city of San Francisco started to sink below sea level due to a major earthquake as experts had predicted for years, how are the officials going to airlift all the people out of there in time? Most of them living in San Francisco are Asian Americans...

Yiwen said...

Mike's right, I do feel we're moving backwards. There must be some study looking at one's consumption/consumer aspirations vs. one's image of others in the society.


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