Sunday, September 06, 2009

20 Years

Of countless new addresses, job moves (Aimee), boyfriend changes (Hope), shared vacations/visits, and dog years of phone time but the threesome is still going strong. The reunion last weekend was beyond expectation on every level, particularly because there was minimal reminiscing and maximum catch-up on what's happening today. Also nice because someone new was thrown in the mix: I finally got to meet Aimee's Rob and, among other fine attributes, I'm overwhelmed by his manly lack of words, hehe. What, he's just like Jochen...what? Because I talk almost as much as Aim? I guess you think you're on to something there, you smarty pants!

The weather was absolutely gorgeous - so hot, in fact, the men were shielding their beers from the deadly rays.

Here we are in front of Burg Eltz.

And although she looks her cheery self here, Ponchi was whiny the entire weekend. She also broke out in little red dots all up and down her body, making me fearful that the house guests were going to leave with some transmittable souvenir of Cologne.

But Sunday morning Hope gleefully discovered 2 little teeth poking through Monchi's lower gums (and when I said I couldn't see them she told me to get reading glasses. That's 20 years of friendship for you!) Good grief, they took their sweet time to appear, and certainly will take more patience than I can muster to get a shot of them....

Finally, a guest appearance by Tiger Pig, who is pacing behind the new gate we installed to keep Monchi from tumbling head down on the granite stairs.

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