Sunday, June 21, 2009

aka Ponchi

I hate to complicate things, but this just won't go away: for the last few months Jochen has started calling Monchichi "Ponchi". I don't know why except it stuck, and now in addition to Monchi we also call her Ponchi Maus. I share this because we're heading home soon and I don't want the Chicago folks all confused by this unexpected new name. You can call her cutie.

In any case the hiking season has started and she is so wonderfully LIGHT in the backpack. My last memories of this thing was using it to hoist a 14kg Pig on my back - that was not fun.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yiwen, she's SO cute and YOU are so little! I'm so sad I won't get to see you guys in Chicago but I am more than ready to see you all in August!


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