Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Guest post: Pig in Chicago

Since I have Piggy pics to share, I've decided to briefly hijack this blog in the name of long deprived Pig-watchers everywhere. Everyone was very happy to see Felix over the holidays (oh, yeah, and Yiwen and Jochen, too- but, you know, check the name of the blog) until we discovered that Piggy had no idea how to go downstairs, having grown up in a stairless environment. He would fearlessly (cluelessly) approach and try to descend down the stairs headfirst, and got pretty disgruntled (hah! grunt, pig, get it?) when we kept turning him around to go feet first. After a few days he was a pro at the stairs, but he was unable to apply this new found knowledge to slides.

Piggy has three teeth (or he did at last sighting, more may have emerged), and he gets along quite well with them, especially when you consider that none of them actually approximate (two lower teeth in the middle, then one rebel tooth up and off to his right), making them more decorative than functional. But it gives him a super cute grin.

I think this is a great picture of Piggy and his A-kong. You have to realize that it's taken with my digital camera which has a lag time of, oh, forever. Good for idyllic scenic shots, crappy for squirmy babies. Basically you have to look into the future, predict that Piggy will be doing something adorable 10 seconds from now, and snap.

Finally, me and the Pig enjoying a mutual teeth adoration moment. Of course I get the last picture. My reward for slaving through posting with my 56K modem. Yeah, that's right, it's old school. Anyhow, we're eagerly awaiting the next Pig sighting in the summer, when he is fully bipedal and really ready to take on the town....


Anonymous said...

Alright, this is Aunt Hsin's way of getting the last word in terms of my ability to keep up with the blog. Thanks for the great pics and the motivating kick in the rear to get it going again!! Now if you can remind me of my own password...

Anonymous said...

Well at least the good sense of humor runs in the family! I was very entertained!

Thanks for quenching my undying thirst for all things Felix, Hsin!

Anonymous said...

Those are great pictures Yiwen...err.. should I say Aunt Hsin! Thanks for the update, I've been curious to see recent pics.

Take care,

Anonymous said...

Actual teeth report Apr 10, 2006:
- the 2 lower teeth supplemented by a side one, just coming through
- solid roe of 4 upper teeth, making it very dangerous for you and funny for him to put your finger close to his face...



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