Friday, August 19, 2011

Chicago, June 2011

Everytime I come home I make sure to jam pack my schedule to the limit, and normally at the end of my stay I fly back content in having gotten to see everyone near and dear to me. This time I overdid it and spread myself waaay too thin....not a mistake I'll make again!!

Having said that, it was so fun to meet up at Rob and Aimee's with Laura, Hope, and the whole Wales clan. I'm sad it was only one afternoon but the picture makes me want to hug everyone all over again.

And I hardly saw the Bad Bad Kitty - here she is making a solemn Ponchi purty.

Ponchi did get A-kong and A-ma time on her own - we abandoned her when we signed up for the toilet training outsourcing package (thanks A-ma and Hsin!)

We hightailed it down to Florida where we enjoyed a fun Disney cruise and the Caribbean heat and sunshine so missing this year in Germany.

Here we are with the Beckerman cousins dancing up a storm at the Pirates party. A BIG thank you to Jean for organizing the entire trip and figuring out all the "to-dos" to maximize our fun in Diseyworld...Pig had an amazing time!!

I think I will retire before I experience a more luxurious cruise, but we figured out along the way we're more seeing and doing people (vs lazing and relaxing) and in hindsight would have traded the days on the boat for more time in Disneyworld - so much there to satisfy the kid in all of us. Rock and Rollercoaster!!!!!!!

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