Second half of the month found us in Munich, where we happened upon the annual brewer's fest at the Viktualianmarkt. The free beers started flowing at 11am AFTER the men in Lederhosen danced around with wreaths...ah, where would German stereotypes be without Bavaria! Pig loved the bustle, the horses, the bells and whistles!
We met up with our favorite well-over-70s couple again in June to head off to the Bavarian Woods, just on the border to the Czech Republic. We did a lot less hiking than intended, due to the heat, the compulsion to catch as many WC games as possible, and sheer laziness. However, the hotel we stayed at was positively idyllic so we enjoyed lolling on the grounds, teaching Pig how to blow dandelion spores (of course he had to take a big bite first) and giving him a flower power makeover!